As I sat on the couch on Saturday evening watching my husband and Julianna play, I couldn't help but get teary a mother so often does......just out of the joy of Julianna and Jeremy playing. Julianna scream-laughed over and over as her and Jer played a little game with Mr Potato head (which, by the way is her FAVORITE toy). It brought such joy to my heart to see my amazing husband having as much, or maybe even more fun, than Julianna. These "happy tear" moments only continue to increase and get better as the days go on.
Here are a few recent pictures of Julianna:
Julianna wearing a dress that grandma and grandpa Ruck sent from Africa

Jer putting lipgloss on Julianna because she went potty in the big girl potty:)

Ben and Jules playing the drums at Christmas

She is getting so big!