On her way in

So excited!

Julianna's first day of preschool was (pretty much) a success! She ate a big breakfast, put on her new school clothes, got her backpack, and we were on our way to preschool. Initially she only wanted to sit on my lap when we got there. Then, slowly she moved to the carpet were all of the other kids were sitting, and I made my escape when she was listening to her teacher. As soon as she realized I was gone, she lost it. I was able to watch it all through the one way window outside her classroom. She cried for about 3 minutes, and then she was fine! I of course was begging God to help her calm down as I was feeling like the worst mom ever, and she did...Thank God! I picked her up and asked her to tell me all about her first day, and it was the most ADORABLE thing to hear her try and explain everything she did. I pretty much knew she painted due to the blue paint above her mouth, but she also told me she made a necklace, sang songs, and had a snack. I know there was more to her day, but I think she did a pretty good job telling me about it. I cannot believe how big she is already and that she is already in preschool.
Day #2 on Wednesday and we are looking forward to it!