Monday, December 26, 2011

So, so thankful

I feel so thankful for so many things. Christmas once again reminded me of all that I have to be grateful for in my life. Though sometimes I have to choose to thankful amidst temper tantrums, poopy diapers, and laundry, this past weekend it was easy. Just look at these precious faces:)......

Santa...aka my dad...made a visit:) This was the best we could get

Every time Everly sat on Santa's lap, she clapped

Julianna on Santa's lap

Ooh I love that face!

The princess jewelry was a gift from a friend...this pretty much captures who Julianna is:)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Busy and blessed!

We have been so busy, just like everyone else, with the holidays coming (and going). Lots of family time, CAKE, and laughter have been going on around here lately:)

The big 4 year old


Fancy Nancy birthday party

Everly's dedication morning

Grandpa and grandma


Saturday, November 12, 2011


My BABY is 4. She clearly is not a baby anymore but, as you moms know, they will always be your baby. Julianna woke up this morning and the first thing I told her was that I was so excited that she wears big girl underwear to bed now (which was just recently accomplished), and she responded "well I am so excited that I am 4". It is ALL that we have been talking about lately so she knew that today was the day. She obviously wanted to wear her sleeping beauty dress and crown for her birthday outfit so we put that on and made blueberry pancakes with whipped cream for breakfast. Her and her daddy went to the library to get some new books so that I could have some time to get ready for her little birthday party with her friends. Julianna was full of energy today, and barely took time to breath. We ate cupcakes and ice cream sundaes, played pin the tail on the donkey, and opened presents. From all of the excitement/chaos :) by the time her party was almost over, she was in tears, completely exhausted and sooo ready for a nap. THANK YOU JESUS that she still naps:) After her nap she said that she wants to go to Azteca for her birthday dinner....a girl after my own heart. Then we will skype with grandma and grandpa in Canada and I imagine after that, she will be SO ready for bed! My little princess is 4, and I can hardly believe it.

 Birthday girl

 Daddy and his girls....this is the best we could get

 Mommy and the birthday we could get:)

 Birthday breakfast

 Pin the tail on the donkey

 Most of the kids

 Blowing out her birthday candle

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Almost 4 and 9 months!

Julianna is well into preschool and having a blast. She is quite a social little thing and I so enjoy watching her interact with other long as she is not crying or bossing them around which tends to happen here and there:). If she is in a new place with children she doesn't know, I have seen her walk up to someone, introduce herself and ask them if they would like to play with her. She is very independent now, wanting to do everything herself. She really is changing from a toddler, to a little girl, and I have to admit that as great as it is to see her be a little more independent, it also makes me sad. Especially when I look back at pictures and see that not so long ago, she still looked so little. She is very impressionable and wants to copy EVERYTHING that Jeremy and I do. We are realizing that now we really have to watch everything we say and do around her, because even if she doesn't look like she is listening or observing, SHE IS:)
Sweet little Everly is just that. S-W-E-E-T. She loves to cuddle, and laughs at anything her sister does. She sucks her thumb, usually when she is tired, which is adorable, but I keep thinking that 3 or 4 years from now it won't be so cute:) She just cut her first tooth and is working on the second one, and even through that, her fussiness only includes an occasional grunt here and there. She is seriously such a joy, and dare I say it, easy baby:) I know things can change, but so far, so good which is making me want a 3rd...Jeremy?????

 Preschool pumpkin farm trip
Julianna and Harper

My little thumb sucker

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Goodbye Summer

Goodbye summer. Fall is creeping up on us and I have to admit, I am looking forward to it. Don't get me wrong....I LOVE the sun and warmth, but I also love the changing of seasons with the cool mornings, changing of all of the leaves, and lattes! Julianna started preschool yesterday and I am pretty sure that I was more excited than her, and she was pretty excited:) She marched into her school, and as we walked past her old classroom I did get a little teary eyed. I can't believe my baby is in her second year of preschool already. She looked so big next to the little 2 year olds. It does go FAST!
So here's to a little more routine, those pumpkin spice lattes everyone talks about, and for everything that these fall months have to offer:) 

Here's a little of what we have been up to lately...

 Papa Dane and his girls
 Julianna pulling Ella
 I love this face
 ...and this one!
 Slip n slide!
 Beach time
  Everly and mommy 
Daddy and Jules

Julianna on her first day of preschool

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Nap Anyone?

Let's be honest. Being a mommy, the blessing that it is, is not always glamorous(to say the least:) ) Some days I am exhausted, don't feel well, low in the patience department, etc. I love my sweet babies to death, but they take ALOT of energy! The other day I was exhausted for some reason, and Everly was napping and Julianna wanted me to play with her outside. She wanted to race me. It's her newest thing. I told her I would and begged the Lord to give me strength to play with Julianna, because I did not know where that energy would come from if it wasn't from Him! In the back of my mind I am always aware that these precious days that my daughter wants to race me, or play with me outside will go quickly so I don't want to pass up on the opportunities to do so. Right after I asked the Lord for energy to do this race:), across the yard, unprovoked, Julianna looks up at me and spreads her arms wide and says "mommy, I love you so much". It melted my heart and definitely made playing with my daughter in that moment, exhaustion and all, worth it. So, we raced and Julianna (of course) beat me, and though I was still tired at least I was able to race with a smile on my face.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

One proud mama

The other night as we were tucking Julianna in for bed I told her that we were going to go to the gym in the morning and she asked if she could bring some money from her piggy bank to give to kids who don't have any money. I of course said yes. In the morning the first thing that she said to me was that she wanted to get money from her piggy bank so she could bring it with her to the gym. I pulled down her piggy bank and she took three dollars from it, although she wanted to take all of the money from it, and put it in her little box to take to the gym. We belong to the YMCA and there are kids who need scholarships for camps and other things, so they do accept donations. Julianna marched in and told the lady that she wanted to give some money to kids who didn't have any. The lady looked to me to make sure that it was ok to take her money, and I assured her that I wasn't going to say no to her, if she had chosen on her own, to do something like this. They were very impressed and took her picture and said that they were going to put it up to show that she was a donor. I know that I am bragging, but this is a proud moment in a mama's life that her 3 year old would think of others and their needs without me prompting her to. Love this girl:)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I am 30. 30 is a big milestone. In contemplating my life and where I am at at 30, I have realized how incredibly blessed and happy I am. At 30 I am married to an AMAZING man who seriously thinks about mine and the girls' needs before his own. I have 2 stunning little ladies that I get to call mine...thank you Jesus. I get to spend everyday raising these beautiful girls. I am so blessed to be there through their tears, diaper changes, laughter, discoveries, and all of their firsts. I am exactly where I have always desired to be in life at this moment. 30 definitely isn't so bad:)

Everly 6 months

Julianna 3 1/2

30th birthday

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The happenings

We have been incredibly busy lately. Here are a few pictures of what we have been doing...
Everly and mommy

Off to a BBQ

The kiddos

Jer and Everly on the 4th of July

The girls on the 4th

Ethan's first birthday

Grandma and Julianna baking cookies

...I love my life:)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

I have the most amazing dad's in my life anyone could ever ask for. My father in law is one of the kindest, gentlest, most caring men I have ever known. My own dad is one of the funniest, and loving men I have ever known, and Jeremy is the most amazing, loving, funny, perfect-for-me-and-my-girls man I could ever want. We are blessed girls in this household! Happy father's day all you dads! We love you:)

We tried many times to get a family picture....this is the best we got. Sorry Ev:)
Jer and his girls father's day 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Life is good. I of course love my children so much no matter what, but lately I am overwhelmed by the love that I have for these little gals. Julianna is at such a fun age and understands so much. We are able to go have a Starbucks together (I know it seems a little young to get her started), we paint our nails, we cook together, we dance together, and we laugh so much together. She is my best little bud and I enjoy her so much. Everly is seriously the SWEETEST baby you could ever get your hands on. She just hangs out most of the time with big smiles. I often times will turn on our video monitor just to see her sleep. I just can't get enough!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How did I get so blessed???

Mother's Day Morning
Julianna 3 and a half
Everly 3 and a half months

Friday, March 25, 2011


People always told me when I was pregnant with Julianna that girls are so much fun. I always figured that it would be fun to have girls, but nothing prepared me for the reality. Julianna is hilarious! (she likes to say that things are "hilarious" all the time). I stopped the other day and just watched her as she was doing something silly and thought to myself, I love having a little girl who loves puddles, dirt, and toy cars, as much as she loves wearing a "fancy" dress (as she puts it) everyday, nail polish, lipgloss, and being a little drama queen. I am not kidding when I say that she can make herself cry on the spot. She is so nurturing and loving, and always tells me that she loves me and I am so grateful for the relationship that we have already. When I found out that we were having Everly, I was so excited to have more of the dirt, dresses, and drama that we already have in our household and looked forward to the relationship that Julianna and Everly would have some day. I didn't think that there would be much in the way of relationship so early on but Julianna LOVES, LOVES, LOVES Everly. She wants to wake her up every morning, help me put her down for naps, and kiss and hug her every night before bed. She often will hold her hand while watching a show or sitting on my bed and talks to her all of the time. And it is not completely one sided. Everly's face lights up when she sees Julianna. She smiles at her, and follows her with her eyes. I cannot wait to see their relationship unfold as they get older and pray that they will be the best of friends as they grow up...with maybe a few years of bickering in between:) Boy am I blessed!
The Girls
Holding hands while Julianna watches her morning show
This is how Julianna really feels about Everly