My BABY is 4. She clearly is not a baby anymore but, as you moms know, they will always be your baby. Julianna woke up this morning and the first thing I told her was that I was so excited that she wears big girl underwear to bed now (which was just recently accomplished), and she responded "well I am so excited that I am 4". It is ALL that we have been talking about lately so she knew that today was the day. She obviously wanted to wear her sleeping beauty dress and crown for her birthday outfit so we put that on and made blueberry pancakes with whipped cream for breakfast. Her and her daddy went to the library to get some new books so that I could have some time to get ready for her little birthday party with her friends. Julianna was full of energy today, and barely took time to breath. We ate cupcakes and ice cream sundaes, played pin the tail on the donkey, and opened presents. From all of the excitement/chaos :) by the time her party was almost over, she was in tears, completely exhausted and sooo ready for a nap. THANK YOU JESUS that she still naps:) After her nap she said that she wants to go to Azteca for her birthday dinner....a girl after my own heart. Then we will skype with grandma and grandpa in Canada and I imagine after that, she will be SO ready for bed! My little princess is 4, and I can hardly believe it.

Birthday girl
Daddy and his girls....this is the best we could get
Mommy and the birthday we could get:)
Birthday breakfast
Pin the tail on the donkey
Most of the kids
Blowing out her birthday candle