This LOOOONG overdue, but better late than never:) Everly turned 1 on January 16th. I cannot believe that she is one and that I don't have a baby anymore. It is definitely bitter sweet because she is just so darn cute right now, but I L-O-V-E-D the baby stage with her. Maybe it is because she has been the easiest baby, like sleeping 7 hours at a time by the time she was 3 weeks old kind of easy (sorry if I am bragging). OR maybe it is because I don't know that we are going to have any more kids so it is hard to imagine that my "baby" is no longer a baby. Everly is the sweetest little thing. I always say that she has a sensitive soul because you can practically just look at her the wrong way and she gets sad...bless her little heart. She is not walking yet, but manages to get around just fine. This girl could beat anyone in a crawling race I am sure:) I sometimes feel like I just chase her around all day. Everly loves her sister so much and already wants to do everything she does. It melts my heart to see them together.
Happy birthday to my sweet Everly. Man I love that girl!
Birthday dinner at Claim Jumper
Not so sure about the cake
This cake thing is serious business!