Julianna eating her cupcake
Opening a present from a good friend
Birthday lunch at Red Robin with grandma and grandpa, stuffing icecream into her mouth
Julianna is now OFFICIALLY not a baby anymore, which makes me somewhat sad but also so excited for what and who she is developing into. She definately has a mind of her own, and is NOT afraid to speak it. She is such a love when she wants to be and if she thinks mommy is sad or hurt she will walk right up to me, look me in the eyes, and very clearly ask "mommy, are you ok" with the most empathetic little voice you have ever heard. She communicates what she wants or feels very easily which is incredibly nice and helpful when taking care of a toddler. She will tell me that she "loves me with all of her heart", and well, I love her with all of my heart too, as does so many others :) She is such a joy, full of laughter and silliness and we cannot wait for what is next to come!
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