...GIRL!!!! Julianna got her wish...well, more like she got her demand. She was very certain that she was going to have a baby sister and not a baby brother even when we tried explaining to her that there was a good possibility she was getting a brother. But, we no longer have to have this conversation as we went to the ultrasound and the tech said she could say with good certainty that it is a girl. I think that I am already in the "nesting" phase as I have already gone through all of Julianna's old clothes and hung them in the baby's closet and put some in her dresser, I have bought and painted a dresser, had a garage sale to get rid of a lot of JUNK, cleaned vents that haven't been cleaned in a few years, and there are many more things on my list. We are so thrilled to be adding another little girl to our family and NO, she will not be playing hockey! (sorry Jer)
21 Weeks Prego
Such a pretty prego!